
Sheep breed: Forest sheep

Landscape Caretakers with Dense Wool: Our forest sheep are a long-standing and indispensable part of the Nature Park team.

The forest sheep are one of the oldest and most original sheep breeds in Central Europe. With their dense, weather-resistant wool and robust nature, they are perfectly suited to the challenges of life in the Leiser Berge Nature Park. They make an important contribution to the care of our dry grasslands, open oak forests, and juniper heaths.

In the past, forest sheep were highly valued by farming families because they not only provided meat and milk but also fine, versatile wool. Today, this ancient livestock breed is considered endangered, which is why their use in the Nature Park not only benefits nature but also helps preserve this cultural heritage.

The forest sheep graze the areas gently and effectively. Through their grazing behavior, they prevent sensitive dry grasslands from becoming overgrown with dogwood and black locust, thus creating habitats for rare plants like our flagship species, the Large Pasque Flower. At the same time, they promote biodiversity by maintaining open structures in the landscape – a benefit for many insects, birds, and other animals.