History and meaning
The history of this jewel in the middle of the Weinviertel is about 6.000 years old.
The Nature Park was founded 1970 because of different reasons:
- Keep the nature and culture alive
- Stop buildings everywhere
- End of Motocross on the Buschberg
- To make the region more interessted for tourists
- Especially for the citizens of Vienna
Our milestones are:
- 1970 official founded together with the tower in Oberleis
- 1975 Opening of the Wildpark Ernstbrunn
- 1984 founded Bauernmarkt Simonsfeld
- 2008 Nature Park was merged with the Regionalentwicklungsverein
- 2010 signs for the trails
- 2016 VS Ladendorf becomes Nature Park school
- 2017 VS Ernstbrunn becomes Nature Park school
- 2019 couting more than 1.200 Juniperus
- 2020 we won the Brennnessel Nature Conservation Award
Big parts of the Nature Park is also part of the protecting area Weinviertler Klippenzone. We used the synergy to open bushland for grasings sheep to protect the dry grasslands. You can also buy products from the sheep from our farmers.
Still up this day it is a living environment for chalk loving plants. So here grows the pulsatilla grandis which is protected.