Bringing Back The Large Grazing Animals!

Are donkeys and cattle enough to return the wild heart of the Weinviertel? The answer is quite clear: No! In some European countries like Germany and the Netherlands, intensive efforts are being made to breed the aurochs back, and in Eastern Europe, small herds of water buffaloes adapted to the Central European climate still exist. Why not bring these ancient creatures back to their home in the Weinviertel?

It is time to explore new paths in nature conservation – as has already been successfully implemented internationally. Our goal is to bring the true rulers back home: the aurochs and the European bison! The Tauros cattle is a breeding approximation to the extinct aurochs. The bison, Europe's largest surviving land mammal, has survived in zoos and now roams freely in some herds in Europe. It is therefore time to restore their rightful place here as well.

Bringing these species back to the Weinviertel is primarily a matter of responsible action: What humans have driven to extinction, they must also undo. This should not only happen for their sake, but also as an important contribution to combating the twin crises: the advancing climate crisis and the growing biodiversity crisis. The significant benefit to species and habitat diversity has already been highlighted. However, extensive grazing areas also contribute to combating climate change! Grass-dominated steppe landscapes are globally significant carbon sinks. Creating new and large areas for these species in the Weinviertel thus also increases the potential to bind climate-damaging greenhouse gases.